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Patch Fitting

Avanti manufactures a wide range of highly architectural patch fittings, Every patch is different from another because of the design and shape. All types and sizes are available at Avanti . these are sustainable and can take the burden of other hardware in the fitting for a lifetime. All patches are very well furnished in the process of manufacturing.

Hydrolic Bottom Patch AHPL-PF-119
  • Color Silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Four Glass Patch Connector AHPL-PF-118
  • Color Silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Two Glass Patch Connector AHPL-PF-117
  • Color Silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Patch Connector AHPL-PF-116
  • Color silver
  • Material stainless Steel
Small l Patch With Stopper AHPL-PF-115
  • Color silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Quadruple Patch With Fin AHPL-PF-113
  • Color Silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Tripplen Glass Patch Connector With Fin AHPL-PF-114
  • Color Silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Patch Connector With Fin AHPL-PF-112
  • Color Silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Over Panel Pivot for Double Door AHPL-PF-111
  • Color Silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Bottom Bearing Patch Pivot AHPL-PF-110
  • Color silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Over Panel Side Panel With Pivot for Double Door AHPL-PF-109
  • Color silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Over Panel Side Panel With Pivot-Right AHPL-PF-108
  • Color silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Top Patch Pivot AHPL-PF-106
  • Color silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Over Panel Side Panel With Pivot-Left AHPL-PF-107
  • Color silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Over Panel Corner Patch (Big)L AHPL-PF-105
  • Color silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Over Pannel Corner Patch(Small l) AHPL-PF-104
  • Color Silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Side Over Panel Patch With Plate AHPL-PF-103
  • Color silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
Bottom Patch Fitting AHPL-PF-102
  • Color silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
  • Size 4 inch
Top Patch Fitting AHPL-PF-101
  • Color silver
  • Material Stainless Steel
  • Size 4.5 inch